Utilizing SEO strategies to grow your brand’s visibility online.

Supercharge your organic search visibility

Sit back and watch your website traffic and conversions skyrocket

We understand that successful and sustainable SEO campaigns require a well crafted blend of highly technical website expertise, large amounts of engaging, relevant content, and brand exposure through targeted outreach and digital PR campaigns.

Improving your organic search rankings has no doubt become more complicated, but with the right SEO strategy, and the help of our team of SEO experts, you will be able to drastically impact your website’s rankings.

Case Study | Nextbase

Nextbase approached FINN Partners to help grow organic search traffic in the UK, US and German markets.

Case Studies & Articles

We’re an SEO agency in London

Based in London, UK we are a SEO agency that helps brands and businesses of all sizes to grow the organic visibility of their websites.

There’s more to SEO than simply working out the best way to increase your site’s search rankings each month. We’re driven by performance.  Our goal is always to drive highly-targeted, relevant traffic to your website, which in turn, will lead to more conversions — be it enquiries or online sales.

Whether you are looking to improve the SEO for your Ecommerce store, keen to grow your traffic to your corporate website or looking to build your overseas business with a multilingual SEO campaign, our team of SEO experts can help.

Organic SEO services

All our search strategies are carefully planned, executed, and monitored by us to make sure the project stays on track and continues to grow organic traffic to your website. Our SEO services are managed by a dedicated account manager based at our SEO company in London. Our monthly service typically falls into three categories:

  • Light SEO Package—a starter package to get your business up and running with SEO, or in very specific niches and online competition is lower.
  • Standard SEO Package—for those businesses with an average number of products or services offerings, and those sites operating in niches which are a little more competitive.
  • Intense SEO Package—a bespoke package created for sites that are operating in very competitive niches, or sites that have a huge number of products or categories that they want to optimize for.

If you have an SEO project in mind and your in-house team needs some extra support rather than a monthly package, then our SEO consultancy service is ideal for you.

How our SEO agency can help you

Are your organic rankings and traffic declining?

You may have looked at your website performance and seen organic traffic declining over an extended time period. Organic is typically the highest traffic channel for most websites, so this can be an unsettling sight. However, with our team you’ll be in good hands.

Our SEO team can investigate and examine which pages or keywords are most affected. They then work with you to develop a strategy that aligns with your objectives to counter the decline and turn it into growth.

Are you planning a website migration?

A website migration is a busy, turbulent time. A migration can also be hard to get right, with devastating effects on your rankings and traffic if any mistakes are left unchecked.

Ideally, you want to involve SEO migration services as soon as you know you’re planning a migration. Involving our team throughout the migration process. From pre- to post-migration checks, helps us to protect your rankings and mitigate any fallout.

Do you need help meeting your site’s KPIs?

Though your site might be bringing in a healthy amount of organic traffic, it does not always translate into conversions. If you’ve set targets for the year, to help meet them you probably want your organic traffic to be yielding better conversion results.

You will want to enlist the help of an SEO agency, such as ourselves, to help. We work with you to develop a list of keywords that are more likely target an audience most likely to convert. Once we’re aligned on the list, we identify the best SEO strategy for your website in order to help you meet your KPIs.

Do you want to increase your presence in local search?

Local search results have seen a real makeover in the past few years, with a much more diverse search results page. They’re also very competitive, with local and national brands competing in the search results. Enter, local SEO.

By focusing on local search, we can help grow your online presence to drive traffic to your business; both online and offline. For small businesses and shops with a physical store, local SEO services can make a real difference to revenue.

Are you entering a new market?

Say you’re expanding your products or services, or you want to enter a new foreign market. It can be tough to know where to begin.

International SEO and multilingual SEO services will best help you. We’ll analyse the market and get to know your competition to create the best plan of action for your brand.

Our approach to SEO

All our SEO projects are carefully crafted to meet the needs of your business. No two SEO strategies are the same. To create a strategy that delivers serious results, we start with a conversation so we can understand your business objectives.


After a chat, we kick off the project with SEO audits to understand the health of your website. This information helps us identify where there are issues that could block growth and where new opportunities exist. Following completion of each audit we set up a workshop to run-through them with you in detail.


Audits are done, time to develop your strategy. The strategy is devised based on your objectives and using insights from the audits. This is so we know we’re creating a plan orientated towards success.


We work with you to get the SEO plan into action. This can often require the involvement of multiple teams, where technical changes are needed or content needs to be developed or reviewed. Our Account Managers liaise across all teams involved in the project to ensure smooth progression. They’ll keep you updated on our work.

Reporting and Quarterly Reviews

So you know what’s going on, we check in pretty regularly. With bi-monthly calls as a standard, we also provide monthly SEO reports so you can see the results yourself.

Technical SEO, we ♥️ the geeky stuff

It’s important to have a healthy website, where you’re keeping on top of your technical SEO. You can have great content and a strong backlink profile, however if your site is filled with technical issues, your organic performance will struggle.

Google likes websites where it can see the technical elements are being maintained and issues are being addressed as they occur. Through technical SEO you can influence how search engines see and interact with your website, making technical integral to any SEO strategy – and often the first area we address when working with clients.

Some of the technical SEO factors we help with are:

  • Meta data optimization
  • The crawlability of your domain
  • Hreflang tags for international SEO
  • Page speed optimization
  • Updating 404 errors & 301 redirects
  • HTML and XML sitemap optimization
  • URL structures & site architecture
  • Duplicate content
  • Website UX
  • Mobile performance
  • …and much more

Content development for SEO

After tech, the other side of the coin for on-site SEO is content. A large proportion of what SEO activity consists of is the research, creation, and optimization of content. We work with you to develop content that aligns with what your brand’s audience is searching for.

If you don’t have the right content in place, geared towards the keywords or topics you want to target, then you won’t rank in the search results. It’s that simple.

Our SEO agency has top in-house writers that find the balance between content optimization and user experience; increasing the engagement of your users.

When we develop content for success we don’t just look at the page in isolation either, we look at the entire domain. Google understands if content you’re creating is relevant to the overarching topical focus of your website, so we check your content’s positioning within the site makes sense.

Backlink acquisition to build authority

We combine elements of content marketing, blogger/influencer outreach, and Digital PR to drive link acquisition. We believe that a core approach to off-site SEO is around the development of “hero” content combined with a strong Digital PR strategy.

As mentioned previously off-site search engine optimization is to do with how authoritative/trustworthy a domain is.

From a simplistic view authority for a domain is increased through links to the website. However, this isn’t just down to how many links you have – instead think of this broken down into three core elements:

  1. The number of linking route domains to another domain
  2. The power or trust of these linking route domains to another domain
  3. How relevant these linking route domains are to our domain

Frequently-asked questions about SEO

  • Why should I choose to work with Finn Partners?

    We have a dedicated SEO department brimming with experienced search optimisation professionals.  Our fingers are firmly on the pulse of the latest SEO trends which helps to make all our projects successful, no matter what niche we are working in.

    We are extremely results focused, so the whole strategy is tailored to meet your objectives. We’re constantly reviewing the strategy as well to ensure it is the best approach for you.

    Our search team works hand in hand with our in-house web development team to implement all the necessary changes to make your website as healthy as possible as ensuring SEO is at the forefront of every key decision along the way.

  • Why is SEO important?

    SEO is important because it helps your business improve its online visibility and attract more organic traffic to their website. With the vast amount of information available online, it’s essential you ensure that your website cuts through the noise and appears high in the search results.

    The higher a page ranks in the search results, the better the click-through rate is for that page. By growing the organic traffic arriving to your site for relevant terms, the more likely you are to increase conversions as well, making SEO valuable for revenue growth.

  • How does SEO work?

    The focus of SEO is to improve your visibility in organic search results. It’s an evolving process and is an area you want to be consistently working on within your digital strategy.

    Broken down, the process can involve these steps:

    1. Keyword research to identify the words and phrases people use to search for services or products offered by your website.
    2. Content development, where existing content on the site is reviewed and updated to help target relevant keywords in the search results. New content may also need to be created if existing content isn’t appropriate.
    3. Technical optimizations, where technical factors of the website’s performance such as page speed, the site architecture, and security is reviewed and improved where needed.
    4. Off-page SEO is where you’re focusing on improving your website’s backlink profile and generating new links from relevant websites.

    Working on these different steps and addressing new issues as they emerge will help present your site as healthy, authoritative and trustworthy to search engines, encouraging them to rank your site higher in the search results.

  • What is local SEO?

    Local SEO is the process of optimising your website so that it ranks in localised search results. If your business has a physical location, or serves a specific geographic area, then it will benefit from a local SEO strategy.

    Local SEO can involve targeting ‘near me’  keywords, or keywords that reference specific locations (such as ‘coffee shop in Central London’). Whilst optimising towards these terms is very similar to how regular SEO is conducted, there are other factors to consider, such as your Google Business Profile and local backlink building.

  • What is on-page SEO?

    On-page SEO, or on-site SEO, refers to the optimization of the contents of your website for organic search. These are all elements the website owner has control over, such as the meta data, content, HTML code and the architecture.

    It does not refer to any work that happens off the website, such as backlink building. This is off-page SEO.

  • What is off-page SEO?

    Off-page SEO refers to SEO work that is conducted outside of your own website. These are factors that cannot be directly controlled by the website owner, as they are influenced by third parties.

    Example off-page SEO factors include: backlinks, directory listings, social media engagement and brand mentions.

  • How do you so an SEO audit?

    To audit your website for SEO, you want to be doing the following:

    1. Crawl the website to identify any technical issues.
    2. Check the site’s performance for page speed and mobile friendliness.
    3. Review the site architecture for potential improvements.
    4. Review and analyse keyword performance to identify keyword rankings you want to improve.
    5. Analyse on-page SEO factors, starting with priority pages. On-page SEO factors may include content, meta data, header tags and internal linking.
    6. Check content for issues with duplication.
    7. Review the backlink profile and anchor text distribution.

    Use the findings from your auditing to develop a plan of action, starting with priority fixes, to help improve your organic search performance. Learn more about SEO audits in our article what is an SEO audit, where we provide more detailed information about the process.

  • What is anchor text in SEO?

    Anchor text refers to clickable text that is hyperlinked to a specific URL or webpage. For example, when a link is embedded in the phrase ‘best SEO agency in London’, that phrase is referred to as anchor text.

    Anchor text is important for SEO as, depending on the anchor text you use, it can help search engines understand the content and context of the linked page, and how it relates to the page where the link is placed.

  • Are keywords important for SEO

    Search engines are getting cleverer by the month and can now fully understand a users intent from their search query.

    The data from keyword research can reveal extremely useful information about consumer search habits which can make a huge difference when planning which keywords to optimize for.

    Once we have our top priority keywords, Google has provided guidance that we should be sure to write website content for real users, rather than for search engines.

  • How long will it take for SEO to work and for my keywords to start ranking?

    This depends heavily on your competition and how authoritative your website is. The less competitive your niche is, and the higher your existing domain authority, the quicker we will start seeing positive improvements in your keyword rankings.

    With over a decade of SEO client work under our belt, we are supremely confident in the SEO strategies that we put together, and we generally start to see increases in organic traffic and conversions in 3-6 months.

    It is worth noting that SEO is never complete. It is an ongoing activity that must be maintained at a consistent level in order to sustain long term success.

  • How does link building help SEO?

    Backlinks are extremely valuable when it comes to SEO. Each individual link represents a “vote of confidence” to another website, as they are willing to send their traffic to another domain.

    It is imperative to follow Google’s strict guidelines when it comes to organic outreach. Failure to do so can result in severe penalties that will significantly impact your organic visibility.

    This being said, our advice is not to trust Link Building ‘providers’ but instead be sure to seek out reputable, full service SEO agencies to perform planned and targeted link-building campaigns, which simultaneously monitor the impact of each and every link acquired.

  • What is YouTube SEO?

    YouTube SEO is the practice of optimizing your YouTube channel; including your videos, playlists and the channel as a whole. By optimizing your YouTube content, similar to standard SEO, you’ll be improving your video content’s ability to rank in YouTube search results for relevant keywords.

    Currently, YouTube is the second most used search engine after Google, making it a valuable search engine to target if you have the right content. By increasing your visibility on YouTube, your business can increase its reach on the platform, helping it to build a loyal audience and drive more traffic and leads.

    Engagement is a crucial ranking factor for videos, such as your audience retention rate.

  • How will SEO help to increase my sales?

    Google is subject to over 3.5 BILLION searches every single day and this figure is only increasing. When people require a new product or service, Google is more often than not their first stop.

    It is our job to put you at the forefront of these searches. Our robust SEO strategies aim to position your website as high as possible on the SERPs (search engine results pages). Our strategy will focus on your key service pages, using a double-edged approach.

    On one hand, we will get these pages ranking for high quality, often high volume, search terms. On the other, we will create informational content to support these key pages which will capture search terms of users slightly higher up the funnel, who are further from making a final purchase decision, before driving them towards the end of said funnel.

    This multi-faceted approach has proved successful time and time again and we would love to set up a meeting and discuss how we can implement this for you.

  • How much does an SEO project cost?

    SEO is a bit like buying a car. They all get you from A to B, but some will get you there a lot quicker! The larger your budget, the faster we can deliver you results.

    As a guide, for a typical corporate website, with low to medium competition, an SEO retainer will be in the region of £3k-£4k per month. Highly competitive niches will start to nudge this monthly fee upwards.

    Larger SEO projects for companies with high traffic volumes or larger ecommerce websites and strong competition are usually more time-consuming and therefore require a larger monthly budget. This can be anything from £8k-£10k per month through to £20k or £30k per month.

    Whatever the size of your business, we offer a range of bespoke packages and with a little bit of upfront analysis, we can work together to see how we can best support you and your business.

  • Can you guarantee SEO results?

    This is an almost impossible ask, so be very careful if you hear “We can guarantee page 1 rankings in 3 months.”

    No one can guarantee particular rankings, no matter what claims are made. There is a whole raft of widely varied factors that affect organic rankings—far too many to be able to deliver any concrete guarantees.

    What we promise, however, is that we will do all we can to deliver your business a comprehensive organic development plan that will grow your organic visibility over time.

    Our results speak for themselves—we have achieved amazing top 3 results in some of the most difficult niches out there. Take a look at our raft of case studies to see how we can help you grow your business.

  • How does the process start?

    We begin the entire SEO process with a comprehensive kick-off meeting with our clients, which will involve the relevant SEO experts from Finn Partners, your dedicated SEO account manager, and all the relevant parties from the client’s team.

    We are always very happy to host a kick-off meeting at our office in Central London, at your business HQ, or via video call if a face-to-face meeting is not possible.

    This allows us to ask as many questions as possible, in order to gauge a thorough understanding of your business and its products/services, putting us in a fantastic position to help promote your business as accurately as possible in Google.

  • How do you report on progress?

    We believe that accurate and informative reporting is essential to long-term success as well as helping to maintain a healthy relationship.

    We create you a personalized Live Dashboard using Google Looker Studio(formerly Google Data Studio), which allows us to deliver in-depth monthly reports covering every aspect of our work, complete with commentary.

    You will be able to access the dashboard at your convenience, in order to check up on progress.

  • Do you only work within the UK?

    Not at all. We work with a huge range of clients from across the world, including:

    • Europe
      • France
      • Germany
      • Spain
      • Italy
      • Portugal
      • Netherlands
      • Poland
      • Greece
      • Turkey
    • USA and Canada
    • Australia and New Zealand
    • Middle East
      • UAE – Dubai & Abu Dhabi
      • Oman
      • Saudi Arabi
      • Qatar

    We have access to an abundance of native speakers throughout the Finn Partnership, allowing us to produce expertly curated local content.

  • Can you help with website migrations?

    Absolutely. As a full service digital agency means that we regularly build new websites and redesign existing ones, so our SEO team is incredibly experienced when it comes to site migration.

    With a decade of migrations under our belt, website migrations no longer need to be a daunting prospect. We have developed a tried and tested process that allows a seamless transition from one website to another, ensuring that the vast majority of rankings and traffic numbers are maintained on the new website.

  • How do you choose the right keywords for SEO?

    When it comes to devising an SEO strategy for your website, you want to make sure you’re targeting the right keywords. To find these, you want to be actioning the following steps.

    1. Identify your website goals and target audience.
    2. Conduct keyword research using tools and platforms such as Google Search Console.
    3. Run competitor keyword analysis to see what your SEO competitors are ranking for.
    4. Analyse the data, looking at metrics such as difficulty and search volume opportunity.
    5. Look at long-tailed keywords. Though they are more specific and have a lower search volume, they can often be easier to target.
    6. Analyse user intent, this will help you understand if your content aligns with what the user wants.
    7. Select your final list and monitor performance as your SEO work progresses.

    By picking the right keywords, you’ll be targeting an audience more likely to engage with your website and generate leads.

  • What is white hat and black hat SEO?

    White hat and black hat refers to two very different sets of tactics used in SEO.

    White hat SEO refers to good SEO practices that search engines like and recommend. White hat SEO techniques include:

    • Quality content writing
    • Building quality backlinks
    • User friendly website design

    Black hat SEO, meanwhile, is used describe a number of tactics that are considered bad practice. Websites that use black hat SEO techniques are more likely to be penalized and see a harmful impact to their ranking performance. Examples of these techniques include:

    • Scraped or duplicate content
    • Keyword stuffing
    • Hidden content
    • Link farming

    In order to grow and maintain your SEO performance, websites should follow white hat SEO and avoid black hat SEO.

  • How can you use AI for SEO?

    AI is quickly becoming integrated in search, with Google and Bing leveraging AI to help generate answers on the search results page for various questions and prompts.

    Whilst in the early days still, there are plenty of ways you can use AI technology, such as ChatGPT, to enhance your performance in organic search. From a technical perspective you can use AI to help create Schema for your pages. For content it’s a great research tool, helping you check out your competitors, and come up with ideas and structure for content. You can even use AI to help create imagery for your website using brand colours—or any colours you want.

    For more information, check out our guide on how AIs like ChatGPT can help SEO.