Professional Experience
I’ve worked in communications both in-house and at agencies, with a specialty in B2B, enterprise and community. Learning remains right at the top of my job description, as I navigate through the exciting world of evolving communications platforms, channels and trending conversations. Over the years, I have worked with many brands that I continue to have a soft spot for as well as amazing organizations that have brought a step difference to their communities. My work spans the full communications discipline, including crafting and executing media/stakeholder strategies, facilitating executive and internal communications and orchestrating local and regional campaigns. I’m also an addict of Events PR – which has seen me thriving on trade shows in technology, energy and cleantech sectors, among others.
If you take care of your mind, you take care of the world.
- Arianna Huffington
How'd you get here?
When I started my working life, I knew I wanted a job that ‘shapes thoughts’. I’ve come to realize that what I really wanted was to make a difference. Many years on and I still hold on to this thought dearly. From helping people understand new technologies, policies and points of views, I have also today enjoyed shaping high performing teams that work with me to advance the work of our clients, while supporting each other in our growth.