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Climate Change Rallies Businesses and Global NGOs for Sustainable Development

September 20, 2024

Climate change is universal, transcending borders and impacting communities globally, yet the most vulnerable populations—geographically and economically—disproportionately feel its effects.

The 1BusinessWorld FINN Partners Climate & Sustainability Leadership Summit serves as an urgent call to action, where corporate and NGO leaders come together to face a defining issue of our time: climate change. Taking place on September 23rd, at the start of Climate Week NYC, this Summit will convene some of the most innovative minds and influential voices to address the global climate crisis and share actionable solutions. Leadership perspectives will underscore how sustainability must be integrated into business and economic planning.

Climate Change: A Universal Challenge Requiring Global Unity

As Stelios Hatzakis, co-founder and CEO of 1BusinessWorld, points out, “Climate change challenge is universal, requiring a united global response.” This unifying sentiment drives the Summit, which, with support from FINN Partners, elevates the voices of collaboration and innovation. The event is a vital platform for amplifying meaningful, sustainable change.

Speakers at the Forefront of Innovation

The lineup of thought leaders spans industries and perspectives, each bringing unique insights into sustainability. Their talks will inspire businesses, governments, and civil society to think and act differently from circular economies to carbon sinks.

  • Dr. Leah Austin, President and CEO of the National Black Child Development Institute, will discuss “Climate Change and Its Impact on Black Childhood,” highlighting how climate change disproportionately affects marginalized communities.
  • Florence Bulté, Chief Sustainability Officer of Chalhoub Group, will speak on “Strategic Sustainability: Circularity in Luxury Consumer Goods,” illustrating how even luxury sectors can—and must—embrace sustainable models.
  • Albert Douer, Chairman and Co-CEO of UBQ Materials, will present “Reimagining Waste: Circular Economy Solutions for a Sustainable Future,” offering insights into how we can reduce our carbon footprint through waste management innovation.
  • Syd Kitson, Chairman & CEO of Kitson & Partners, will discuss “Cities of the Future: How to Create Cities That Are More Efficient, Sustainable and Climate Resilient,” emphasizing urban development’s critical role in climate resilience.
  • Eyal Harel, CEO of BlueGreen Water Technologies, will explore “Unlocking the Multi-Gigaton Potential of Fresh Water as a Carbon Sink,” reminding us that nature holds many solutions to the climate crisis.
  • Dr. Robin Ganzert, President and CEO of American Humane, will focus on “How Innovation Will Win the Fight Against Mass Extinction,” a discussion highlighting the interconnectedness of biodiversity and climate solutions.
  • Peter Schlosser, Director of the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona State University, will tackle “The Futures of Our World: Life on a Planet with Natural Boundaries,” guiding us through the complexities of living within our planet’s ecological limits.
  • Anita Spiller, Vice President of ESG at Tru Earth, will present “Reigniting People Around the World to Turn Off the Plastic Tap and Curb Plastic Pollution,” a call to action that reminds us of the immediate, tangible steps individuals and corporations can take to mitigate environmental damage.
  • Erik Saito, SVP and GM of EMEA and APAC at Workiva will discuss “Navigating Business in a Turbulent World,” providing insights into how businesses can stay resilient while promoting sustainability.
  • Yishan Wong, CEO of Terraformation, will delve into “Financing Forests: Why Invest in Nature,” offering a compelling case for investing in natural solutions to climate change.

These thought leaders present ideas and offer blueprints for today, underscoring how industries and communities can work together toward lasting change.

Corporate Responsibility and Climate Action

Amy Terpeluk, Managing Partner and Global Purpose and Social Impact Practice Lead at FINN Partners will open the Summit with a critical reminder: “Businesses have a crucial role to play in addressing climate change. This Summit is a powerful reminder of the impact we can have when we align our corporate objectives and strategies with the planet’s needs.”

Indeed, corporate involvement in climate action is more than a choice; it’s a strategic imperative. The private sector wields immense influence, and it has the power to drive sustainability forward—not just through technological innovations but also through policy advocacy and ethical practices.

FINN Partners, a global communications agency, understands the power of storytelling in shaping public perceptions and motivating action. By aligning with the 1BusinessWorld Summit, the agency is elevating the conversation around climate leadership and inspiring businesses to consider how their operations impact supply chain sustainability and the planet.

The Urgency of Collective Action

The 1BusinessWorld Summit takes place during Climate Week NYC, one of the most influential gatherings of climate leaders globally. As Hatzakis noted, “In an era where climate discussions are more crucial than ever, Climate Week NYC provides the necessary stage for these much-needed conversations.” The Summit adds a critical voice to this dialogue, not just by highlighting problems but by focusing on scalable, practical, and inclusive solutions.

Why This Matters

As the world faces cascading climate change dominos—from extreme weather events to biodiversity loss—the need for urgent action becomes more apparent and urgent. The 1BusinessWorld FINN Partners Climate & Sustainability Leadership Summit is a beacon of hope and a stark reminder of the work ahead. It brings together the voices of leaders doing more than talking about sustainability; they set the path for welcomed solutions.

We are living in a pivotal moment. The decisions we make today will define the future of our planet. This Summit is more than a discussion—it catalyzes the innovation and collaboration needed to address the climate crisis. Now, more than ever, we must take bold, collective action, and summits like this one keep the momentum going.

For more information or to register, visit 1BusinessWorld Climate and Sustainability Leadership Summit.

TAGS: Purpose & Social Impact, Environment, Sustainability & ESG

POSTED BY: Gil Bashe

Gil Bashe