Employer Branding

Expressing your brand's unique personality.

Your business comes down to your brand. It’s how you stand out from competitors, reach customers and the media, increase sales, and boost revenue. So if you haven’t defined your brand, the world won’t see how great you are or all the value you can bring.

FINN Partners has the clear vision and deep marketing expertise to deliver brand strategy and development that can’t be surpassed.

We’ll help you achieve your business goals by building a rock solid brand — which all starts with clearly articulating your message, mission, audiences, and key differentiators.

Step 1: We pair our expertise with research and analytics chops to audit the landscape and define the “white space” in the market where your brand can lay claim.

Step 2: Our creative talent gets to work developing the assets and messaging that will inform future campaigns and plans — and, of course, drive business success.

Along with our global team, FINN Partners Ireland’s capabilities include:

  • Brand discovery and audit
  • Brand personality and identity development
  • Visual branding: logo, brand guidelines, colour palette
  • Verbal branding: brand voice and tone, value prop, tagline development
  • Strategic positioning and messaging
  • Audience persona research, identification, and development