OUR WORK irish hospital consultants association
Care can’t wait.
The Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA) was established to promote, encourage and support the advancement of the practice of medicine, in all specialties and areas, and to advocate for the improvement of the Irish health service through adequate recruitment and retention of Consultants, appropriate healthcare infrastructure, and achieve policy change.
FINN Partners Ireland has been retained by the IHCA since May 2019. In that period, we have successfully worked to draw the public’s attention to one of the major root causes of hospital waiting times; the consultant retention and recruitment crisis, which has been exacerbated by capacity issues within the health service.
Created and continues to deliver a public-facing campaign to raise awareness of recruitment and retention issues and the impact on patients.

The Work
We have worked with the IHCA to successfully unite their members in advocating for their clinical interests through successful strategic communications campaigns whilst also ensuring that deficits in resources which are impacting upon Irish patients are continuously brought to the attention of the media and political leaders.
Working with IHCA leadership, we have engaged with national outlets in order to ensure that the recruitment and retention crisis has remained at the top of the media and political agenda for the past number of years, while also strategically positioning IHCA annual conferences for maximum media impact.
We have successfully guided the IHCA in delivering their annual conference for a number of years, while also offering messaging support and providing top level strategic advice on an ongoing basis. For the 2023 conference, we highlighted ongoing vacancies in Irish hospitals and the impact this was having on morale and standards of care.