OUR WORK popcorners
Inspiring Consumer Engagement in Non-GMO Farming.
Popcorners was into non-GMO corn before it was cool, but at a time when general consumers didn’t know much about it – and its supply chain. Our team was tasked with educating consumers and making them care about both.
Drive national buzz for Popcorners as a pioneer in corn- and bean-based popped snacks, and non-GMO leader through its unique supply chain for U.S.-grown non-GMO corn.
Consumer & Wellness

The Work
To drum up excitement for Popcorners unique new supply chain for domestic non-GMO corn, we coordinated a partnership with the Non-GMO Project and created a giant “crop art” living billboard and corresponding educational landing page inviting consumers to “Join the Corn Revolution” and support U.S. family farmers. Working with local farmers, and with eye-catching imagery captured via drones, we secured feature stories in a number of top-tier consumer business and trade outlets.
- 98.5+ million impressions & 81 stories in outlets including in FastCo Design, AP, ABC News, Inc., New Hope, Specialty Food News, Food Navigator USA and more
Through always-on press outreach blanketing national print, broadcast and online press to generate widespread awareness, the team surpassed annual product benchmarks by more than 400% and doubled the total number of goal stories.
- 440 million impressions & 161 placements including national coverage on TODAY, SELF, People, PopSugar, Cosmopolitan and many more