Brianne Chai-Onn

Senior Partner

Professional Experience

I’ve spent my career helping organizations advance their mission through strategic communications. As a long-time FINNster, I’ve honed my skills in messaging and thought leadership and deepened my expertise on pressing social and environmental issues, collaborating alongside exceptional colleagues and clients. From working with international nonprofits, philanthropies and UN agencies on youth leadership summits in Senegal and Japan to helping corporations and start-ups drive growth in renewable energy and climate action, I know how creativity, partnership and tenacity towards solving problems can move the needle and drive results. I’ve had the privilege of leading award-winning campaigns, but it has been even more rewarding to see the lasting real-world impact they have made.

The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.

– Paulo Coelho

How'd you get here?

In 2002, I had an opportunity to intern with the Global Peace Initiative of Women for their global summit at the Palais des Nacion in Geneva, Switzerland. I was a grad student studying international education and cross-cultural communications and I was intrigued by this gathering of women leaders and peacebuilders who were holding space for meaningful peace dialogue, led by Dena (Finn) Merriam, founding partner at FINN. After working in the nonprofit sector for a few years, I joined the Global Issues team working with Anne Glauber, and purpose-driven pioneer and leader of the agency’s CSR & Social Impact Group at the time. My first project was helping to develop a teen dating violence prevention program for Liz Claiborne. This was my introduction to public relations and corporate purpose.

Articles by Brianne