
6 New Year’s resolutions for financial marketing executives

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The beginning of a new year is a time for personal and professional reflection as we adopt resolutions to effect positive change. In the financial services industry, marketing and communications executives have much to ponder after a roller-coaster 2019: market volatility, central bank activity, global trade disputes and political grandstanding, just for starters.

Ryan Barr

Ryan Barr

Managing Partner, Global Financial Services Practice Leader


Having negotiated challenges and reacted to market whims in 2019, CMOs and CCOs should be ready to clear their heads and prepare to start anew. Now is the time to plan, not only for 2020, but for how this coming year will fit into a long-term marketing strategy– before getting swept up in the daily grind. The CMO Survey recently reported that CMOs spend nearly 70% of their time managing the present, allocating only about 30% to preparing for the future.

I’m here to help with six of my top financial communication resolutions for 2020. Join me in as many as you wish or none at all. Either way, make time to review 2019 and identify areas for improvement. Then, commit to a plan of action for a positive impact. Don’t go timidly into the new decade; be bold.