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Five ways to make your mobile PPC strategy work for you

January 29, 2021

With half of the population stuck to their smartphones checking on the most recent coronavirus updates, it seems imperative to have a clear idea of how you want your digital marketing campaign to be.

Focusing on your paid search management through Google Ads, you should already know that mobile advertising is becoming more and more important, with search volumes growing faster than desktop ones. Apart from this, some other trends are visible here as well:

  1. Mobile CTRs are ranking lower in positions than tablets or desktops.
  2. From last year, search CPCs have experienced an increase.
  3. Mobile impressions are receiving greater penalisations than their desktop counterparts.

All these trends together make mobile PPC campaigns heavily volatile and uncertain. So it might be worth thinking of new ways to boost your Google PPC Strategy.

Set goals for your mobile PPC campaign and incentivise your consumers

The very first step of your PPC mobile campaign should be to determine what your overall goals are. Therefore, you will have to analyse certain variables, such as specific measures, expectations, and time.  

Apart from this, don’t forget how important it is to offer incentives and calls-to-action to implement your ad campaign. Make sure that you offer a unique user experience in terms of offers and promotions: the more customised and personalised your site is, the more attractive your campaign will be. On the other hand, advertisers can create mobile-preferred ads, so only users who are searching for their queries on their phones will see them.

Add sitelink extensions

In a nutshell, sitelinks are extra links that will help users to navigate through your site, as they will choose the link that is more relevant to them. You can manage this through your Google AdWords dashboard, choosing the phrase you want to display and the links you want to use.

Some tips on how to set up your sitelink extensions would be:

  • Keep link text short: if you use a few links, you will be able to use more links. The limit is 25 characters in total
  • Create links that reflect your site: you can look for new ideas on your website’s navigation
  • Add descriptions: the more information you can add about your links, the more customers you will attract

google adwords

Find the right PPC keywords

As in any other digital marketing strategy, keywords are one of the top factors. These are the keywords you choose to target your audience through Google AdWords and other platforms. On one hand, context is a relevant variable for mobile PPC, as users are always changing their keywords and phrases when performing their searches. Perform a competitors’ audit to find out the keywords that they are using (and that you are not) to help you upgrade your search abilities.

Do not forget to use negative keywords, as it is important to tell to Google those keywords you do not want to rank for.   

Add call-only ads

If you want to appear more approachable to your customers, or you do not have a mobile website and want to drive some conversions, you can always use call extensions. Call extensions work in a different way than traditional ads: instead of directing your customers to your landing page, you can give them the option to call you. You can edit this option on Google Ads, then clicking on edit phone number, and then on showing just your phone number.

Add structured snippets

Structure snippets can remark specific features of your business. For example, those services that you offer, the products you are selling, and other specific aspects that make your business unique. This is a good way to make the information that you offer about your site look more attractive, and therefore make your links more visible. Click-through rates will also increase, as well as your ROI if you make good use of structured snippets.

Mobile structured snippets usually appear right under the main ad text, and they are shown on devices through an algorithm managed by AdWords.


There are millions of options available out there to make your mobile PPC strategy flourish. If you are not a top PPC marketer, just keep trying on the different alternatives. If you are struggling with this, maybe it could be a good idea to find the right Adwords agency for you.

Need Help with your PPC? Get in touch with us today.