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Top tips on how to promote your marketing agency through email

June 28, 2021

If expanding your marketing agency is your priority, then automating your client acquisition process must be at the top. Failing to get new clients can pause your expansion, affecting your bottom line.

To add, there’s already a lot on your plate besides trying to keep up with existing clients. And if you add social media marketing, ads, and complicated advertising streams, you’re in to make your marketing process more complex.

As a small business owner, you’re looking to streamline marketing to a level where most of it is automated and gets results over time without relying on third-party apps like Facebook or paid advertising. Your best bet, in this case, is email marketing. It’s your playing field, directly to your customers without fighting for attention every time you activate a new campaign.

1. Why a marketing agency should use email  

As a marketing agency, you are the marketing expert for your clients. And when it comes to your agency, email can be the reliable long-term factor among the many marketing tools. Email marketing has remained relevant, profitable, and achieved proven results even as other forms have evolved.

  • For every dollar you spend on email marketing, a £32 ($44) ROI is the industry average
  • Every time a new social media platform comes, it brings along new rules, algorithm changes, and more challenging metrics to achieve as compared to a reasonably stable email marketing
  • With email marketing software, you are free to tweak your systems to suit your evolving email marketing needs

2. Email promotion types  

People love getting value-driven mails. It could be educating them, entertaining them, or providing insane value in every email. And when it comes to attractive offers, it’s an added incentive to stay connected. There’s nothing like making your subscriber feel special with these email promotion types.

Special subscriber offers

Special subscriber offers create excitement for your subscribers to stick around. By building on the connection, your subscribers feel valued and are ready to try out your offer even if you are relatively new in their inbox.

  • Loyalty or memberships offers that give percentage discounts on a purchase
  • Bundles like BOGO (Buy one Get One) on a service package

The HOTH promotes its BOGO package by clearly stating what it can do for its clients with its vast reach

  • Subscribers Only Flash sales

HOTH uses curiosity to create excitement for their flash sale.

New offers emails

Not all offers will entice your subscribers. But to increase the likelihood of higher click-through on your offers, here are a few ways to position your new offer emails like WebpageFX.

  • Focus on the value of your service/product through benefit-driven mails.
  • Include visuals to make it easy for your readers to skim through and decide
  • Add a clear CTA (call-to-action) so readers know what to do after reading

Seasonal campaigns

For seasonal emails, tap into the emotions that vibe with the reader. Keep your text short, simple, and easy to read, often pointing to the elements that make the season special. Catchy and punchy phrases can help your copy be more relatable and fun for the reader.

Volotea slips into the Christmas vibe with their elves making their readers feel nostalgia and a feeling of belonging. A perfect way to avoid any sales push and instead make the readers feel a part of the message.

3. Best email promotion practices for marketing agencies

There’s an endless list of market promotion strategies that can boost your agency’s visibility. However, you can begin by incorporating these best practices into your email marketing strategy.

Cold outreach

Cold outreach is like waving out to a bystander without knowing who you are and how you can help them improve their marketing strategy. However, suppose you personalize it with their name, target their specific industry pain points, and create a signature in your email with your latest case studies from this industry, then you will likely create a higher recall with your audience.

If your agency has created a certain momentum in the industry, it’s more likely that you will already have a convincing set of case studies, white papers, or testimonials to warm them up.

Warm up leads

Once you are in their inbox for some time, your subscribers begin to look ahead to read and know what you offer. So it’s a smart move for you to take them further in your sales funnel. Since they are already interested and invested, leading them to high-value offerings through lead magnets can pique their interest.

A well-structured webinar or video recordings can elevate that experience to create repeat customers.

Once your customers are on board, take a deep dive into your analytics to better know your audience. That’s where segmentation fits in. Knowing your audience well and segmenting them according to their preference is an easy way to map your offerings to what they want to buy. It’s how you create and structure your future emails to automate a part of your customer retention plan.

Follow templates 

With segmentation in place, your next step is to create templates that can help set a standardized process for your work. In turn, it also means your expanding team can take over tasks without starting from scratch every time.

With templates, you spend little to no time picking the suitable templates, making a few tweaks, and automating them for the future.

Find the sweet spot for frequency

While sending once or twice a week is the optimal email frequency, don’t let it dictate what’s best for your email strategy. Instead, depending on the customer lifecycle, business goals and analytics determine what’s best for your readers to adapt to your email.

4. Go local in your marketing  

If your focus is to promote your agency locally, then realign your email to include local offers, collaborate with other service providers who could be your potential clients like local restaurants, coffee shops, or gardening services. Use your email to link to your social media page like a Facebook page that allows you to target users locally.

5. Metrics to monitor the campaign and revisit  

Most email marketing platforms equip you with a lot of analytics to track email. With limited time we suggest you focus your attention on open rate, bounce rate, click-through rates, campaign conversion, and active audience trend at the start to understand whether your campaign resonates with your audience. If your campaign is not gaining traction, then relook at your numbers to tweak your campaign for a better outcome.


There’s a lot to think about when starting with email marketing. To begin with, you need to test out how email marketing can support your overall marketing promotion strategy. Then, once your process is in place, use analytics to monitor it, and test new strategies for continuous growth over time.