LinkedIn Advertising

Target businesses and professionals like no other platform can offer

We use our knowledge of professional marketing to help your adverts thrive in the business world of social networking.

LinkedIn ads agency

We understand that LinkedIn is a major platform amongst all industries in the business world and that it is vital to reaching audiences across the professional world. Our team is highly experienced using LinkedIn not only for personal use but also for our clients’ marketing campaigns. Using LinkedIn advertising, we can help your ads reach their full potential and gain the brand awareness you have been seeking.

LinkedIn paid social services

Using paid social services will allow you to see the results and metrics of your campaign. After creating and uploading a paid advertisement to LinkedIn, you can then look back and review the metrics and see how well your advert is doing on their platform. Our team specializes in pay-per-click advertising and can assist your company with putting your funds toward the right campaigns.

Highly-targeted ads with LinkedIn marketing

LinkedIn allows you to target people based on their job title, company, industry and personal or professional interests they may have. This is unique to other social network platforms as you may not have access to their professional life due to the causal state of certain platforms. We can differentiate the specific uses of each social media platform and target your advertising to the right people. Allow us to steer your campaigns to the right platform and utilize LinkedIn’s targeting services to your benefit.

Reach your customers

LinkedIn gives you access to a completely different side of the person you are looking to target. Instead of seeing their personal buying habits or daily routines, LinkedIn allows you to see their job title, company they work for, industry that they’re in and who they follow professionally. We can help you adjust your target market to fit LinkedIn’s business professional values.

Pair your LinkedIn ads with an organic strategy

A LinkedIn presence is the ideal channel to present both your brand as industry leader through both thought leadership pieces and celebration of your epic team.

A LinkedIn social strategy will accompany your paid efforts to present your brand in the best light, and amplify your reach to relevant audiences.

More about LinkedIn advertising

  • What is LinkedIn?

    LinkedIn is a social network catered toward businesses and business professionals to share their accomplishments, search for jobs and network with others in their similar fields. Essentially, LinkedIn is a Facebook for the business world.

  • How to use LinkedIn for business

    Using LinkedIn for a business page is another form of landing page other than your company website. Users will see about you, who works at the company, have access to your website and can see any job listings you may have posted. Having a LinkedIn business page attracts people worldwide with the same skills that your company specializes in. Using LinkedIn for your business will broaden your brand awareness and allow for more professionals to see who you are as a brand.

  • How does LinkedIn work?

    You can create an account for yourself and a company profile. If you are creating a personal account, you can choose to display current and past employment, skills and your CV. You can “link” or connect with people you know or users in a similar field and begin networking! LinkedIn has a jobs section whereas a personal user, you can search and apply for jobs, or as a business run account, you can post jobs you are hiring for. LinkedIn is the place to be when it comes to online professional networking and job searching.

  • Is LinkedIn advertising effective?

    LinkedIn advertising is very effective, especially for professional campaigns. LinkedIn has been proved to be a more result generated platform for B2B campaigns than Facebook or Twitter and is also effective in B2C campaigns.

  • How to advertise on LinkedIn

    LinkedIn offers an easy-step process to create and upload adverts on their platform. Begin your set-up deciding whether you would like a self-serviced or managed campaign through LinkedIn. Once you decide, you are free to move on choosing your ad format and then creating your advert. LinkedIn advertising allows you to target users on a first-party basis. Continue choosing your target criteria and set a budget for your campaign. When you’re ready, publish your campaign then look back and check the metrics from your campaign through LinkedIn.