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#FINNFam Friday | Meet Kenson Pierre

April 1, 2022

What is your favorite app and your favorite electronic gadget?

I have three favorite apps: Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. I’m on Instagram and Twitter every day for many reasons, work, news and to stay on top of trends. But if I’m being honest with myself, the main reason is to laugh at memes. Once I log in, I know I’m always going to get a good giggle. 

I’m always on YouTube to watch podcasts and clips of shows that I might have missed throughout the workday. My favorite podcast to watch is I Am Athlete.

For gadgets outside of my phone and computer, which would be the obvious choices, I’m going to say my Rocket Book Fusion. It’s probably not a gadget, but it’s the notebook I’m writing in every day. It’s reusable too.

Which news sites/outlets do you check regularly?

  • – My go-to website to get in the know of just about everything.
  • Men’s Health – The print edition comes to my house every month. 
  • ESPN – Without knowing it, I’ve probably programmed myself to check ESPN multiple times throughout the day. 
  • GQ and Complex are other websites I regularly check also. 
  • For the sake of the word count, I’ll stop myself here. There’s more, though

Who in history would you like to have dinner with (you can name up to four people)?

Maya Angelou, Muhammad Ali, Langston Hughes and James Baldwin

What is the one principle that has guided your life and career?

Live in gratitude. Gratitude changes a person’s perception of things, and perception changes your experiences. There are so many things to appreciate in life. Sometimes we spend too much time thinking about the things we don’t have but forget all the things we do have.

I’ll bet, every dollar I owe, if you take the time to write in a notebook, word document, google document, whatever and write down in DETAIL, everything you’re grateful for. That list will be extremely long. Live in gratitude; it can do a lot for the mind.

What is your greatest professional achievement?

My career is so young right now! But the first thing I think of is being the first in my family to graduate college. Probably second place is being nominated for a PRSA award. Just being nominated means a lot. It lets me know that I’m doing something right. But my career is so young. Lots of things to learn and experience. Maybe ask me again in 10 years?