
At Widmeyer, we’re always working the angles. For more than 25 years, we’ve crafted effective messages, forged lasting relationships, secured top media placements, defined brands, advanced issues and ideas and helped individuals and organizations quietly move agendas or boldly take the stage.

Exceptional results aren’t born on the morning of; they’re reflective of a tireless desire to understand evolving landscapes and relationships, to find the alignment of positioning, personalities and timing that changes the game. We understand balancing risk and reward. We celebrate our clients’ successes and never lose sight of finding the competitive edge.

We’re obsessed with knowledge — we want to know everything. How are audience perceptions evolving? Who’s really driving an issue behind the scenes? Who’s the perfect strategically? Could a mobile device app change the world? But knowledge isn’t enough. To be relevant, to build lasting value, to change minds requires insight-insight that leads to innovation and distinction in the minds of ever more elusive audiences.

How does that happen? We think it’s when great minds aren’t beholden to some intergalactic communications conglomerate, are free to roam and are empowered to put client challenges and relationships first. Learn more at